The Selection



The Selection by Kiera Cass takes place after World War 4, when the USA is no longer a thing, and to survive, Canada and Mexico join the USA to create Illéa. Illéa is a nation that blatantly separates it's people into a ranking system. The higher the number, the less money you make and the harder it is to survive. America Singer is a five, so she doesn't make a lot of money, but she at least has food on the table.  She has no intention of entering the Selection to find the next queen, but she does to make her boyfriend, Aspen, who is a six, happy. But she's chosen, so to the capital she goes. She's not happy about it, but it's a lot of money for her family and will greatly help them fend off hunger in the slow months.

During her time at the palace, America and Prince Maxon become close friends and grow to like one another. But they're faced with an enemy they don't really understand, and that is very dangerous. It's obvious this could be a standalone book if America knew what she wanted.

Overall, I really liked this book. It was a little slow in the beginning before America is chosen when she's still at her home with her family. It was difficult to really get on board with America and Aspen, as it was obvious their life was going to be nothing but difficult if they were together. But once she met Maxon and she yelled at him, I knew I was going to be a fan of their dynamic. I'm glad it went in the direction it did as I thought it was going to be more bachelor type drama. And while it did have that, the post-apocalyptic/rebels were a nice spin to be more than reality tv. 


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