A Higher Loyalty


Rating: 5/5

A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership by James Comey shows the distant past to a more current time frame. From the Clinton administration to the Trump presidency Comey has been part of politics or the judicial scene for a long time. Comey lays everything out on the table, from interrogation techniques that weren't legal or effective during the Bush administration, to Trump famously asking him for his loyalty. 

Going into this book my opinion of James Comey was neutral leaning towards unfavorable. I blamed him for what happened in the election. I blamed him that Clinton lost because of when he announced they were looking into her emails again, due to finding some on Anthony Weiner's server. But I wanted to hear his side of the story. After finishing this book, I understand the decisions he had to make, and I would've made the same ones. No matter when he released the information about the Clinton emails, it was going to be bad, he just chose the lesser of two evils.

I support him in how he handled Trump and then the senate hearing to say goodbye to his people since he was fired by the press essentially. The administration didn't even want to fly Comey back on the jet that he had taken to California on business in the first place, which is where he was when the press broke that he had been fired, because they were so petty. Luckily the jet had to take back other people, so he went along for the ride with the deputy of the FBI, who now essentially had his job. He didn't get to say goodbye to his people in the FBI until the senate hearing, and that's just a load of crap right there in my humble opinion. Comey is who we need in the FBI, or even politics in general. Someone who will stand up for what's right and what's legal and will stand behind the laws, not a particular party. Highly recommend.


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