Book Haul

Yesterday I needed to get out of my house really bad. I didn't know if I was going  to end up staying in town or if I needed to go up to Portland, it was just one of those days where I was suffocating. I ended up staying in Salem and going to not one, but two, bookstores. I had been wanting to check them out, and I'm so glad I did! 

The first one I went to I've seen on my way to my dog's veterinarian, and I've been dying to go in. I never saw a sign with their name outside, but it turns out the name of the business is Readers Guide. 3 out of 4 of the girls there were really sweet and helpful when I was going insane and picking up (I kid you not, 13 books originally) all of the books that looked even somewhat interesting and I had a desire to read. The original pile that I grabbed included all of the Throne of Glass series, as well as Lord of Shadows, Crescendo, and Silence. I did knock it down to 4 books. I decided on Heartless and Fairest by Marissa Meyer because some friends said it was good and it was worth it, so I ran with it haha. 

Instead of buying the entire Throne of Glass series like I was going to originally, I decided on just getting The Assassin's Blade, as I have Throne of Glass. I figured I could go in order and slowly collect them all, like Pokémon. 

As for Lady Midnight, I really couldn't stop myself. I saw the edge of the book said it was signed and nearly lost my shit. $25 for a signed copy of Lady Midnight? TAKE MY MONEY!! It was such a great find and I'm so happy I got it!

PSA though: if you're going to Readers Guide, don't take a drink. They don't want them in the store because too many people have spilled them. I had to set my drink at their counter so I could continue to look for books. Also, they do trades and give credits for them!

The next store I went to was The Book Bin. It's a little bit of a pain to park because it's downtown Salem, but I just wanted to check it out. The staff was awkward, but nice so I will probably go back. It was a two story building and gave me serious Powell's vibes, but it was more chaotic, but in a good way. I didn't plan on getting any books at that store since I had just bought 4, but I found some I just couldn't live without. 

I mean, anyone that has seen Firefly the tv show knows it's gold, and the fact that Joss Whedon was a consultant for this book, makes it 100x times better. I am so excited to read Firefly: Big Damn Hero, and the sequel when it comes out. Plus, it's SUCH a pretty cover with the parchment graphics. Ugh. 

I did pick up a couple of Jane Austen books, Pride and Prejudice, which I have read, and you can find the review here. I loved this book so much, I had to buy it. While I was in that section though, I was curious about Mansfield Park also, so I grabbed it and I'm looking forward to reading it. Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan was a last minute grab while I was standing by the check stand. First, the cover is BEATIFUL. And I did check Goodreads to see what the reviews looked like, and the ones from friends looked promising. It's also part of James Patterson Presents, so I have high hopes since I have loved all of the Stalking Jack the Ripper books.

So I did go a little overboard, but I regret nothing. :)


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