The Princess Trap

The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert starts with
Prince Ruben on a business trip when he meets Cherry Neita at the school that
she works for HR at. She's confident and knows how to get what she wants, but
Prince Ruben gets under her skin. To keep her out of the press, Ruben lies to
the paparazzi and says she's his fiancée while out on a date, so to keep up
appearances, he takes her to his home country of HelgmØre where his brother is
king and abusive to everyone. Cherry is bitter about the relationship at first,
even though it's earning her a lot of money to take care of her sick sister at
college in the United States. The couple that plots together stays together
though as Ruben and Cherry work to free Ruben's sister-in-law and his two
nieces from the King.
Princess Trap is a cute book and exactly what I expected from it. I expected
smut and that's exactly what I got. It was easy to like the characters and feel
for them when their life wasn't going the way it's supposed to.
Favorite Quotes:
The men
in this place responded to a pretty face like babies to a bottle. And she was
supposed to respect them. Sigh. (2%)
She looked up, the bulldog in one hand. "What?" Ruben looked at the
ornament warily. "Could you put that down?" "Why?"
"Please?" She watched his jaw clench. And said, "No."
"Fine," he sighed. "Okay, here's the thing. I told the
photographer that you were my fiancée - Jesus fucking Christ, woman!" He
leapt aside as she launched the bulldog at his head. (20%) You get him Cherry!
swear to fucking God, shut the fuck up or I will gag you with your own fucking
dick." Had she screamed that last part? She rather thought she might have.
This was
probably the fastest he'd ever fucked something up. Dragging Cherry into his
life felt like dragging a princess of to his lair. He was almost certainly the
dragon in this fairytale. (29%)
They may
be in Scandinavia, but the imposing grey-bricked mansion looming in the
distance seemed as English as steak and kidney pie. Or classism. Or fish and
chips. (30%)
dragged her into your issues to save your delicate fucking feelings, and she's
doing it for her sick sister. You are a fucking Disney villain. (45%)
people were meant to be in each other's lives, and nothing else really
mattered. (51%)
are many things at once; that's the beauty of humanity. (54%)
people like to say that all's fair in love and war. Those people cannot be
trusted with power. (55%)
Maybe it
was counterintuitive, but Ruben had only ever wanted the submission of women
who didn't need him. Women who could live just fine without him, but didn't
want to. Women for whom handing over the reins was both a relief and a
sacrifice. He wanted to own Cherry, because she already owned him. And she
didn't even know it. (56%)
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