
Rating: 4/5

Beastly by Alex Flinn is a modern take on Beauty and the Beast. Kyle Kingsbury is a jerk, but he was raised by a jerk, so it kind of makes sense. He gets everything he wants because of who is dad is and how handsome Kyle is. But he plays an awful practical joke on a girl named Kendra, who happens to be a witch. She curses him to look on the outside as he is on the inside.

"You are ugly now, on the inside, where it matters most, and if you ever lost your good looks, I bet you wouldn't be smart or strong enough to get them back. Kyle Kingsbury, you are beastly." (8%)

"Two petals, two years to find someone willing to look beyond your hideousness and see some good in you, something to love. If you will love her in return and if she will kiss you to prove it, the spell will be lifted, and you will be your handsome self again. If not, you'll stay a beast forever." (20%)

After the first year passes, Kyle (now Adrian) kidnaps the girl he was nice to for a split second, in the hopes she would fall in love with him.  It takes her time, but she eventually warms up to him and Adrian starts to fall in love with her. But for her drug addict father, Adrian releases her to go take care of him.

It was a super cute book that was pretty well adapted for the current time period. Anyone that has seen Beauty and the Beast, knows how this book ends, or close to it, but it was still a fun ride.

Favorite Quotes:
Only when I heard her bedroom door open and close did I give in to my beast instincts and do a wild animal dance around the room. (61%)

Of course, maybe I'd end up like one of those crazy old people with, like, sixty cats. And one day, the neighbors would complain about the smell and it would turn out I'd died and the cats had eaten me. (85%)


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