Sailor Moon Pretty Guardian 5

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Vol. 5 by Naoko
Takeuchi takes up where we left off. Chibi-Usa goes missing and it's up to
Tuxedo Mask to get her back. Instead of finding his small future daughter, he
finds a woman claiming to be his daughter fully grown, and evil.
This was a nice
change of pace from the previous books and easy to follow. It was an
interesting story line that you didn't really see coming if you haven't seen
the anime. It was a tad uncomfortable watching her kidnap Mamoru and basically
claim him as hers. To watch Pluto leave her post to go and help was
heartbreaking because you knew in your heart that she was going to die for it.
The book did make up for it (slightly) with Chibi-Usa getting her full guardian
powers though!
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