TV shows that made me want to read the books

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I like to watch new shows before I read the books they're based on. If I hate the premise of the show, I'm certainly going to hate the book. But there have been a couple of TV shows over the years that have made me want to read the books that they're based on, just because I love the worlds that are built so much.

Outlander is one of those shows that I heard about for so long, but I never really watched it. I knew everyone loved it, and it was really good, but I just never got into the idea of it. Then someone recommended the book to me. I know this is backwards from what this post was supposed to be, but I read the first book, and then watched the first season, and decided I was going to continue reading the series and then following it up with the show. 

Currently I'm on book 4 Drums of Autumn. I know the last season has a lot of spoilers for it, but I'm still excited to finally get a chance to sit down and read the series before I start to watch it again. 

There are just so many great gif's from True Blood, that I couldn't just pick one. I watched this show every single night that a new episode was on from the time it started until the finale, I even own most of the series on DVD. It took google searches to find out that there was a book series that it was based off. The Southern Vampire Mysteries by Charlaine Harris (or the Sookie Stackhouse books) have 13 books total. I'm currently on book 4 and so far a lot of it is the same, and there have been very few scenes that were left out of the tv show, but there of course was a lot of liberty from the TV show and book to make each season 12ish episodes.

The 100 was the series we didn't know we needed until it happened. It's fun, and keeps you on your toes, and also is slightly dreadful because you never know when someone is going to die. I happened across the books in Powell's one day, and then had to google to find out if it was the same. I was pleasantly surprised and bought all of the books that they had. 

While the show kept the main premise of The 100 by Kass Morgan, it also deleted entire main characters that were in the books. Maybe they weren't necessary in the long term, I don't know, but it doesn't seem to hurt The 100's storyline. 

Honorary Mention:

While City of Bones is a movie not a TV show, it made me want to read the books. I know most people hated this movie, but from the perspective of someone who hadn't read the books yet, I really enjoyed it. So I started reading them, and then I was hooked. 

When Shadowhunters started on ABC Family, or Freeform (whatever), I was so excited. After about season 2 though, I was too busy to keep watching. I got through book 4 before I got angry with the series (I really didn't like City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare and here's my review) and stopped reading it for a while. Now that Shadowhunters is on it's final season though, I really want to finish the City of Lost Souls and City of Heavenly Fire so I can get caught up on the show next. The writers did such a good job staying true to the books for the most part and making it an enjoyable experience. 

All GIF's are from google. 


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