
Showing posts from March, 2019

Sailor Moon Pretty Guardian 5

4/5 Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon, Vol. 5 by Naoko Takeuchi takes up where we left off. Chibi-Usa goes missing and it's up to Tuxedo Mask to get her back. Instead of finding his small future daughter, he finds a woman claiming to be his daughter fully grown, and evil. This was a nice change of pace from the previous books and easy to follow. It was an interesting story line that you didn't really see coming if you haven't seen the anime. It was a tad uncomfortable watching her kidnap Mamoru and basically claim him as hers. To watch Pluto leave her post to go and help was heartbreaking because you knew in your heart that she was going to die for it. The book did make up for it (slightly) with Chibi-Usa getting her full guardian powers though!

The Selection

4/5 The Selection by Kiera Cass takes place after World War 4, when the USA is no longer a thing, and to survive, Canada and Mexico join the USA to create Illéa. Illéa is a nation that blatantly separates it's people into a ranking system. The higher the number, the less money you make and the harder it is to survive. America Singer is a five, so she doesn't make a lot of money, but she at least has food on the table.   She has no intention of entering the Selection to find the next queen, but she does to make her boyfriend, Aspen, who is a six, happy. But she's chosen, so to the capital she goes. She's not happy about it, but it's a lot of money for her family and will greatly help them fend off hunger in the slow months. During her time at the palace, America and Prince Maxon become close friends and grow to like one another. But they're faced with an enemy they don't really understand, and that is very dangerous. It's obvious this could be


Rating: 4/5 Beastly by Alex Flinn is a modern take on Beauty and the Beast. Kyle Kingsbury is a jerk, but he was raised by a jerk, so it kind of makes sense. He gets everything he wants because of who is dad is and how handsome Kyle is. But he plays an awful practical joke on a girl named Kendra, who happens to be a witch. She curses him to look on the outside as he is on the inside. "You are ugly now, on the inside, where it matters most, and if you ever lost your good looks, I bet you wouldn't be smart or strong enough to get them back. Kyle Kingsbury, you are beastly." (8%) "Two petals, two years to find someone willing to look beyond your hideousness and see some good in you, something to love. If you will love her in return and if she will kiss you to prove it, the spell will be lifted, and you will be your handsome self again. If not, you'll stay a beast forever." (20%) After the first year passes, Kyle (now Adrian) kidnaps the gir

A Higher Loyalty

Rating: 5/5 A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies, and Leadership by James Comey shows the distant past to a more current time frame. From the Clinton administration to the Trump presidency Comey has been part of politics or the judicial scene for a long time. Comey lays everything out on the table, from interrogation techniques that weren't legal or effective during the Bush administration, to Trump famously asking him for his loyalty.  Going into this book my opinion of James Comey was neutral leaning towards unfavorable. I blamed him for what happened in the election. I blamed him that Clinton lost because of when he announced they were looking into her emails again, due to finding some on Anthony Weiner's server. But I wanted to hear his side of the story. After finishing this book, I understand the decisions he had to make, and I would've made the same ones. No matter when he released the information about the Clinton emails, it was going to be bad, he just

The Princess Trap

3.5/5 The Princess Trap by Talia Hibbert starts with Prince Ruben on a business trip when he meets Cherry Neita at the school that she works for HR at. She's confident and knows how to get what she wants, but Prince Ruben gets under her skin. To keep her out of the press, Ruben lies to the paparazzi and says she's his fiancée while out on a date, so to keep up appearances, he takes her to his home country of HelgmØre where his brother is king and abusive to everyone. Cherry is bitter about the relationship at first, even though it's earning her a lot of money to take care of her sick sister at college in the United States. The couple that plots together stays together though as Ruben and Cherry work to free Ruben's sister-in-law and his two nieces from the King. The Princess Trap is a cute book and exactly what I expected from it. I expected smut and that's exactly what I got. It was easy to like the characters and feel for them when their life was

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Author: Seth Grahame-Smith Read: 2/9/2019 Pages: 345 Rating: 1.5/5   Format: ebook   Response: Elizabeth could not help but roll her eyes as Mary continued. (6%) "I am sure my dinners are good enough for her, since she is an unmarried woman of seven-and-twenty, and as such should expect little more than a crust of bread washed down with a cup of loneliness.” ( 15%) “It is not Mr. Bingley, you senseless old cur,” (15%) Did this fat little priest mean to take her as a wife? She was horrified at the thought of marrying of man whose only skill with a blade was cutting slivers of gorgonzola. (22%) Mr. Collins, awkward and uncommonly round, gave her all the shame and misery which a disagreeable partner for a couple of dances can give. (22%) before her fat cousin Mr. Collins came up to them, and told her with great exultation that he had just been so

Book Haul

Yesterday I needed to get out of my house really bad. I didn't know if I was going  to end up staying in town or if I needed to go up to Portland, it was just one of those days where I was suffocating. I ended up staying in Salem and going to not one, but two, bookstores. I had been wanting to check them out, and I'm so glad I did!  The first one I went to I've seen on my way to my dog's veterinarian, and I've been dying to go in. I never saw a sign with their name outside, but it turns out the name of the business is Readers Guide. 3 out of 4 of the girls there were really sweet and helpful when I was going insane and picking up (I kid you not, 13 books originally) all of the books that looked even somewhat interesting and I had a desire to read. The original pile that I grabbed included all of the Throne of Glass series, as well as Lord of Shadows, Crescendo, and Silence . I did knock it down to 4 books. I decided on Heartless and Fairest by Marissa Meyer

Dead Until Dark

Author: Charlaine Harris Read: 2/3/2019 Pages: 340 Rating: 3/5 Format: ebook   Response:   "Criminal trash like the Rats roamed the highways and trailer parks of America, not smart enough or moral enough to settle down to productive living. They never made a positive mark on the world, or amounted  to a hill of beans, to my way of thinking."  There were parts of this book, like that quote, that I loved and made me laugh. And others that made me snort from how dumb it was. It was a decent book and I'll be continuing the series as it kept me entertained and it was a quick read. This was a fiction book, so it worked for one of the February bingo prompts, even if it didn't get me a bingo in the end. The main issue I had was Bubba. I didn't mind that he was (spoiler?) …. Elvis, what I minded was the execution of it. Bubba was turned by fan who wor

Clockwork Prince

Author: Cassandra Clare Read: 9/26/2018 Pages: 502 Rating: 5 Format: physical Response: Ugh, spoiler, Tessa's going to get married to Jem. I love them together. Jem is the perfect gentleman and so good for Tessa, and she does everything she can to be good for him also. But Jem is getting more sick. They also have to figure out who's a traitor and "take care" of Tessa's brother. The Lightwood brothers come to the institute to help train the girls. But both of them start to fall for two of the girls at the institute. This is a cute and suspenseful addition to the series. 

March Bingo Update

Well it turns out that I got a lot read so far this month. In no specific order for bingos, but hey, I've read 9 books so far.  Currently, I have a couple of books started also that I own which are City of Lost Souls (uggggg so good!) and The Nightingale (also so good!). The Elite and Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone would give me a bingo, so we'll see what happens.  So far I've read: Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan which I used for one of my double dips A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J Maas Sailor Moon 5 by Naoko Takeuchi Sailor Moon 6 by Naoko Takeuchi Sailor Moon 7 by Naoko Takeuchi Club Dead by Charlaine Harris Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris Dead to the World by Charlaine Harris This weekend I'm hoping to finish up City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare since I only have about 60 pages left, and Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by JK R

Pride and Prejudice

Author: Jane Austen Read: 1/23/2019 Pages: 279 Rating:  6 because I adored this that much I've made an extra rating as I don't think many will come close to how much I loved this. Format: ebook Response: I adored this book. It was so lovely and I think everyone needs a Mr. Darcy in their lives. I know I do. 😍 I'll be honest, a lot of the times I watch the movie before I read the books. I know, I'm a disgrace. But movies *make* me want to read the books. And Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly is one of those that I can watch over and over. Going into this, I was a little worried it was going to be dense like Shakespeare and I was going to hate it, and eventually hate the movie version. But it turns out I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to read. Sometimes I had to re-read a sentence to understand the un