TV shows that made me want to read the books

I know it's an unpopular opinion, but I like to watch new shows before I read the books they're based on. If I hate the premise of the show, I'm certainly going to hate the book. But there have been a couple of TV shows over the years that have made me want to read the books that they're based on, just because I love the worlds that are built so much. Outlander is one of those shows that I heard about for so long, but I never really watched it. I knew everyone loved it, and it was really good, but I just never got into the idea of it. Then someone recommended the book to me. I know this is backwards from what this post was supposed to be, but I read the first book, and then watched the first season, and decided I was going to continue reading the series and then following it up with the show. Currently I'm on book 4 Drums of Autumn. I know the last season has a lot of spoilers for it, but I'm still excited to finally get a chance to sit down and re...