Hunting Prince Dracula


Author: Kerri Maniscalco

Read: 9/14/2018

Pages: 434

Rating: 4.5

Format: audio

Response: Audrey and Thomas continue their journey to become investigators in this sequel to Stalking Jack the Ripper. Here they travel to Romania to Vlad Dracula's castle to compete for spots in a prestigious course for forensics. During their time there, Thomas constantly undermines Audrey and her feeling after the incident with her brother. He's trying to shield her, but effectively making her, as the only female, look weak and incapable. Thomas eventually gets the point that this is not the way to her heart, and gets on board with how she wants to be treated. As his equal. The person behind everything was a surprise as I actually thought they were dead, but seeing Thomas's sister come in with her girlfriend and save the day gave me so much joy. The ending with Thomas and Audrey set up the third book nicely and had me dying for more. 


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