
Author: Diana Gabaldon

Read: 9/21/2017

Pages: 870

Rating: 3/5

Format: audio

Response: Voyager was an exciting third book in the Outlander series by Diana Gabladon. It was full of adventurous from start to finish. But it was also far fetched in a lot of ways. A lot of the story line was not believable as far as coincidences go. I still have so many questions on how things came to be. Like how does Young Ian go from not a good sacrifice because he had sex, to having more sex, and then being the sacrifice? And how did Jamie convince the French soldiers to follow him as their leader? And how did Jamie find Clare so easily after being taken by the English? I honestly would've preferred if the rest of the book was spent looking for each other and then book 4 was looking for Ian. That would've made a lot more sense and would've cut down on the mini quests they had. It felt like Gabaldon was just looking for more obstacles to throw in their way just for the sake of the story. The one part that didn't seem as out there was Gaily being alive, which is saying something since I was fully on board with her having died at the stake in the first book. I hope Drums of Autumn is marginally better.


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