Vacation TBR

Hey everyone! I was officially on vacation as of Friday at 4:30pm PST, but today is my first day of *actual* vacation! I have so many big goals of books to finish while I'm on vacation, but honestly if I just finish a couple, I would be extremely happy. But I think all of these are doable since I have a grand total of 11 days away from work. So here we go on my very lofty To Be Read on vacation goals!

  • The Trials of Apollo The Hidden Oracle by Rick Riordan: I have been reading this for the past week in between unpacking. I really want to finish this before I leave for my trip on Sunday, which I think is manageable since it's not too long and it's been fun and easy to read.
  • The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan: This is the second book in the series for the Trials of Apollo. I just got it so I'm hoping I can bust these two out back to back.
  • City of Lost Souls and City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. I now own both of them and I really just want to fly through them so I can move on to the next series by Clare. 
  • The 100 by Kass Morgan: I own the whole series now I think (I can't physically see my bookshelves at the moment due to moving), so I'm really looking forward to getting through all of them at some point this year. I would really just like to start the series though at this point haha.
  • Scent of the Missing by Susannah Charleson: Impulse buy from Powells that I think is going to be adorable and I'm going to love. I love anything with dogs, espeically if they don't die in the end. So I'm hopeful.
  • The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee: The synopsis for this book sounds adorable and I'm really looking forward to getting into it this vacation. Flight book? Ohhhhh ideas!


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