Birthday Book Haul

Hello! August is my Birthday Month, so I went a little insane and bought myself a couple of books. I'm so excited to read all of these.

My first stop was Powell's since it's on my way home from work, which is very convenient, but also inconvenient for my paycheck. I ended up going on a payday with a friend from work, so I had no self control, especially with her helping me pick out books. Most of the books I buy from there are used, and cheaper, which is nice. 3/4 of the books I bought this time were used and reasonable prices, and the one that was new wasn't that much of a jump from the used books, so I'm happy with my purchases.

*For those of you who don't know what Powell's is, it's like a Boarders, which I'm assuming is like a Barns & Nobel (I've never actually been in one before). The only real difference that I know of, is that Powell's will buy your books and then resell them used.

  • City of Bones by Cassandra Clare I own, but it no longer matches my set since I got it so long ago, so I *had* to buy it again. 
  • City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare was the last one in the Mortal Instrument series I didn't own. I have this one and City of Lost Souls left to read for the series. I'm hopeful I can get through both of them by the end of August... but I'm probably just being really optimistic. 
  • Amulet by Kazu Kibuish.i I just kinda picked up. I've never read a graphic novel before *insert gasp here*, but I really wanted to try one. My friend said her kid and sister loved it, and the Powell's employee's I spoke with loved it also. So it ended up in my basket... and I've already finished it.
  • Scent of the Missing: Love and Partnership with a Search and Rescue Dog by Susannah Charleson was the last book I grabbed. I really don't have a lot of shame in this one, even though it was sitting in the check out line and it was meant to be a "spur of the moment" thing people pick up, which it totally was. I had wanted to get it the last time I was there a couple months back, and I hadn't been able to. So there is no regret about buying it now. I *love* books about dogs, especially working dogs. 

But wait there's more!

Even though I was soooo happy with my purchases, there were a couple of books I wasn't able to buy because I just couldn't bring myself to spend $20 per book, because they were a) new condition and b) new releases. So when I got home, I ended up placing an order on Amazon for these babies:

  • The Dark Prophecy by Rick Riordan. I own the first one in this series, and since this one was out, I wanted to read them back to back. I'm so very excited to start this series. 
  • Every Heart A Doorway by Seanan McGuire. Not only does the book sound interesting, but so many people have said it's a good book, I just had to put it in my Amazon cart. . . and I've already finished it.
  • The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. This is another that, from the description alone, sounds amazing. Not to mention all the great reviews. 
I still want to get one last thing for myself for my birthday and that's the May Comic Book Explosion from OwlCrate. I'll probably end up buying it after I get back from vacation. (You can still get one here.)

So to sum it up, I'm using my birthday as an excuse for buying so many books. Which was a total of 7 new (or used) books. I don't think I should be allowed to buy any more for a while. We'll see how long that lasts.


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