Hush Hush

Author: Becca Fitzpatrick

Read: 7/29/2017

Pages: 391

Rating: 4/5

Format: physical

Book Description: Nora has never been particularly attracted to the boys at her school, until Patch came along. With his easy smile and eyes that seem to see inside her, Patch draws Nora to him against her better judgment. After a series of terrifying encounters, Nora's not sure whom to trust. Patch seems to be everywhere she is and seems to know more about her than her closest friends. She can't decide whether she should fall into his arms or run and hide. And when she tries to seek some answers, she finds herself near a truth that is way more unsettling than anything Patch makes her feel. For she is right in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those that have fallen - and, when it comes to choosing sides, the wrong choice will cost Nora her life. - goodreads

Response: This was my book for "read a book in 1 day" and "read a book outside" challenges for Booktube-a-thon. And I'm happy to report, I actually finished it in one day! As for reading it outside, I read half of it outside and then read the other half with my back door open (which I never do), and sat as close to the door as I could. That counts right? Becca Fitzpatrick kept this book interesting all the way though and made me glad I had chosen it for the challenges I did. While the mental manipulation was disturbing, it worked well for the purpose of the book. I'm not sure if I like Patch as a person after he messed with Nora's mind so much though. I get that he's the "hero", but he needs to work on his personality. And his motives weren't always admirable. He also got inside her mind to torment her on the roller coaster, as well as to get her to go out with him. Talk about needing to make up his mind. I admire Nora's determination in figuring out the truth, but have a little self preservation. Rule 1 after someone tries to kill you: don't walk alone. Overall, the book was solid and had me interested in reading the next book in the series.


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