BookTube-A-Thon 2017

Hey everyone!

This week starts BookTube-A-Thon over on YouTube, but there will also be things going on on Instagram as well. I'll be participating, and while I'm not a fast reader, I'm hoping to be able to get through 3 full books and maybe get some others knocked off my TBR list. Wouldn't that be nice haha.

BookTube-A-Thon is being hosted by Ariel Bissett and there are video challenges and reading challenges (from what I've gathered). I will be participating in the reading challenges, which can be mixed together, or done separately. It starts at 12 am July 24th (whatever time zone you're in) and goes until  July 30th.

1. Read a book with a person on the cover
2. Read a hyped book
3. Finish a book in one day (this one's going to be a hard one for me)
4. Read about a character that is different than you
5. Finish a book completely outdoors
6. Read a book you got because of the cover
7. Read 7 books

I know I'm personally not going to be able to get through 7 books, but I think I'll be able to check off the other 6 challenges.

Game Plan:

My initial plan is to get through The American Heiress by Daisy Goodwin. I loved Victoria, so I'm hoping I'll love this one just as much. I borrowed the audio version from my library on Overdrive, it's 13 hours and 26 minutes long, so if I listen every day on my way to work and my way home, that's about 2 1/2 hours of listening time a day. I plan on listening to it at 1.25 speed, just because 1 is a little too slow for me, but 1.5 makes me anxious and I have to stop listening more often. So I'm hoping my math is right and I'll be able to finish it by Friday. This will take care of Challenge 1 and 4.

Hush, hush by Becca Fitzpatrick is a book I've had for YEARS. I probably got it around the time it came out and I just never read it. I honestly got it because of the cover and summary on the back. It was my high school years, I cared a lot about the covers haha. Now I'm a little more choosy with my books and I have to hear some pretty great things about the book already, or I just like the author, before I buy it. This will be my Saturday book when I'm out at the Saturday Market and I'm between customers. That way it will cover the "Finish a book completely outdoors" and "Finish a book in one day", and I'm also counting it for "Read a hyped book" and no one's going to stop me.

My finial book in my *realistic* goals is Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran. This is mainly covering the "Read a book you got because of the cover" challenge, but it could also count for a couple of more. I'll be working on this one through the week, during breaks, lunch, and when I'm home from work.

I realize I have an extra day in Sunday, so I'll ~hopefully~ be able to use that to my advantage and get through a couple of other books. Or at least one. Let's hope for one haha.

My highly ambitious TBR list for this week includes:
The American Heiress
Hush, hush
Cleopatra's Daughter
Kings Cage  by Victoria Aveyard - I would have to finish Glass Sword first though, and I'm only a little over half way
A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron - I started this one a while back and I would be starting from the beginning
City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare.

I would also like to finish books I'm about half way through including: Glass Sword, The 5th Wave, The Blood of Olympus, and Dragonfly in Amber. Baby steps though.

During the week I'm going to post updates on Instagram, and then maybe updates here as I finish books through the week, so stay tuned!


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