Wonder Woman: Warbringer


Author: Leigh Bardugo

Read: 10/29/2017

Pages: 376

Rating: 5

Format: physical

Response: Wonder Woman: Warbringer brought the action I was expecting, as well as a healthy dose of badass from the female leads. Diana starts this adventure before the Justice League is formed, where is young and an outsider among her some of her own people. Diana travels to modern NY where she is both hilarious and adorable. Through the book Diana and Alia avoid death and fight their way to Alia's ancestors grave, Helen of Troy, to break the Warbringer cure. But they learn along the way that not all heroes are good, and monsters are better left dead. Diana and Alia make one hell of a team throughout their exploit. I personally loved this book and how strong the female characters were written. I will definitely be reading this one again!


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