Down Among The Sticks And Bones

Author: Seanan McGuire
Read: 9/23/2017
Pages: 189
Rating: 3.5/5
Format: physical
Response: Let's start this off with this book was good, but not great. I definitely expected more after how much I loved Every Heart A Doorway, and how it left me with all the feels afterward. Down Among the Sticks and Bones did not leave me the same way. I probably won't read this again as it was kind of boring. A lot of the book is them growing up, and the only time something *really* happens is when they first go through their door and when and why they leave at the end. Everything else felt like filler. Not to mention the descriptions of their life. So much descriptions. I would prefer to have dialog personally, so all of the descriptions about their life was tedious to me. If you want to know how Jack and Jill became who they were, it's a decent book, but it'll just gather dust on my bookshelf now. I hope the next book has more that happens in it, but even if it doesn't, I'm committed to this roller coaster now and I'm going to see it through.
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