
Showing posts from December, 2017

The Ship of the Dead

Author:  Rick Riordan Read:  11/26/2017 Pages:  423 Rating:  5 Format:  physical Response:  The Ship of the Dead is the third and final book in the Magnus Chase series. In it, everyone is racing across the worlds in the "Yellow Banana" to stop Loki from setting sail and ending the world. They make some surprising allies along the way as they fight many giants. The book flows in a way that makes it hard to put down. Even though the ending was perfect, it was bitter sweet to have the series end, and to say goodbye to the characters. Alex and Magnus are adorable, and while the angst wasn't unbearable like it easily could have been, it was the perfect blend of teenagers figuring out their feelings mixed with adventure.

The Hammer Of Thor

Author:  Rick Riordan Read:  11/6/2017 Pages:  471 Rating:  5 Format:  physical Response: The Hammer of Thor  is the second book in the Magnus Chase series by Rick Riordan. This novel introduced us to Alex, and all the awesome snark they brought to the group. Together with Sam, they go on the hunt for Thor's hummer. They run into a few bumps in the road along the way that help them in the long run. In the end they have to fight a familiar face that they were hoping to avoid and didn't realize they fell directly into the plan of a mad man. This was a very fun book to read. It took you on adventures that you didn't see coming, which is what Riordan is best at in my opinion. It's like a slide of hand through the whole book and it was a great trip.

Wonder Woman: Warbringer

Author:  Leigh Bardugo Read:  10/29/2017 Pages:  376 Rating: 5 Format: physical Response: Wonder Woman: Warbringer brought the action I was expecting, as well as a healthy dose of badass from the female leads. Diana starts this adventure before the Justice League is formed, where is young and an outsider among her some of her own people. Diana travels to modern NY where she is both hilarious and adorable. Through the book Diana and Alia avoid death and fight their way to Alia's ancestors grave, Helen of Troy, to break the Warbringer cure. But they learn along the way that not all heroes are good, and monsters are better left dead. Diana and Alia make one hell of a team throughout their exploit. I personally loved this book and how strong the female characters were written. I will definitely be reading this one again!

Down Among The Sticks And Bones

Author:  Seanan McGuire Read:  9/23/2017 Pages:  189 Rating:  3.5/5 Format:  physical Response: Let's start this off with this book was good, but not great. I definitely expected more after how much I loved Every Heart A Doorway, and how it left me with all the feels afterward. Down Among the Sticks and Bones  did not leave me the same way. I probably won't read this again as it was kind of boring. A lot of the book is them growing up, and the only time something *really* happens is when they first go through their door and when and why they leave at the end. Everything else felt like filler. Not to mention the descriptions of their life. So much descriptions. I would prefer to have dialog personally, so all of the descriptions about their life was tedious to me. If you want to know how Jack and Jill became who they were, it's a decent book, but it'll just gather dust on my bookshelf now. I hope the next book has more that happens in ...