2020 dumpster fire

Hello 2020.

I haven’t posted in a while (I’m usually over on my Instagram though @sniffabook), but I feel like it’s time for me to write some shit down.

If 2020 hasn’t been a dumpster fire, I don’t know the meaning.

A lot of us are still in quarantine, trying to keep our spirits up. But it’s hard when a lot of businesses are shut down, people are unemployed, and unemployment is backlogged. States are just starting to open up, but the experts are saying it’s too soon, too fast. People need their haircut, okay!? Because ‘MERICA.

I’ve been one of the lucky ones working from home for the past month and a half or so now. But my mom is an essential worker at a grocery store. Things are in a constant state of stress that it’s hard on a lot of people’s mental health. I’m trying to get out at least once a day to go get coffee (from my car, don’t kill me), just so I have some interaction.

I haven’t finished many books, because fuck I’m tired. But lili and I have been doing a podcast over on YouTube for a couple of weeks now where we talk about books, and book news, and stuff that makes us angry.

Current reads:

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare is one of my go to books when I feel like shit. I’m currently listening to it on audible and love it as much as I did the first time I read it. Also Shadowhunters on freeform was the shit.

I’ve talked about this book before, but I’ll say it again for those in the back. This book is Not good. I’m only reading it for a bingo prompt. And tbh, I’m not sure it’ll fit. 

Let me know what you all have been reading during quarantine in the comments.


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