Eliza And Her Monsters


Author: Francesca Zappia

Read: 12/25/2017

Pages: 385

Rating: 5

Format: physical

Response: Eliza And Her Monsters is an adorable book that I highly recommend. I was hesitant with the format of the book, with the artwork, messages, and normal chapter format. It actually worked really well for this book though. The main characters were Eliza and Wallace, and neither of them are good with people and social settings. Slowly, Eliza works through some of her social anxiety until she has a major set back and experiences a panic attack and doesn't want to leave her room and her dog, which I totally get. I thought the social anxiety's were beautifully portrayed, and fit perfectly in the story without being overbearing throughout. I thought Eliza's parents were horribly naive as to Eliza's life. They saw it behind a screen and didn't bother to look deeper. I loved her brothers stepping in and showing their parents what damage they had actually caused I still doubt they fully understand, but I think they're closer. I can't recommend this book enough.


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