The Blood of Olympus

Author: Rick Riordan

Read: August 10, 2017

Pages: 516

Rating: 4.5/5

Format: physical

Response: As a final book in the Heroes of Olympus series, it was a good conclusion that tied up the lose ends very well. We met Pegasus, which I've been waiting for since The Lightning Thief. 10 books ago. It was well written and action packed. A lot was foreshadowed or you just knew what was going to happen... to an extent. Team Leo and Calypso and Nico and Will all the way. Nico has had some of the best character development over the course of this series, and The Blood of Olympus just pounded home the feels for him. While the first 4 books were okay for the most part, I would highly recommend the series if only so you can get to The Blood of Olympus.


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